INCASO values:
• Honesty in relationships with clients and debtors
• Transparent Communication
• Conformity
• Continuous development for performance
The most important criteria that distinguish an average debt collection company from a reliable debt collection company are the activity that has at its basis values and standards.
In its activity INCASO team is guided by three basic principles: responsibility, integrity and ethic.
We pride ourselves on our reputation for acting honestly, fairly and ethically wherever we do business. Our reputation is built on our values as a company, the values of our employees and our collective commitment to acting with integrity throughout our firm.
We have a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and in respect of every aspect of our business we will uphold all national and international laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption.
Claim Recovery is one of the most difficult processes and we are convinced that in order to succeed in this business, there must be clear rules, ethical and conduct standards.
Each INCASO employee is responsible for promoting an ethical and legal behavior. The company also promotes behavior with integrity. For us it is equally important that our employees achieve their goals, but also to act in a responsible and exemplary manner both in relation to customers and debtors.
The INCASSO respects legislation related to personal data protection.
Company’s responsibility does not limit to the activity within its offices or relationship with customers or debtors. INCASO is actively engaged and supports various socio-cultural initiatives. We believe that each one’s contribution, however small it is may contribute for our country to become a better place for us and future generations.
Those three principles listed above characterize all the activities and interactions of the INCASO team related to clients and debtors and are staying at the basis of our ethical standards - mentioned in the Code of Conduct.
Our Code of Conduct is a minimum set of rules that lead all the members of the INCASO team. This Code determines the INCASO team to follow certain laws and rules from this specific domain and also a set of special requirements in relation to customers and debtors. The code can be viewed by clicking the link below.